What are Guides?

Go on an adventure yourself (or with people you love) with the confidence you have everything you need to be prepared. We have been there, done that and have charted literally every detail for you.

Downloadable PDFs that are easily printable or viewable on your phone with all the details for your trip

Your Guide Forever as you gain lifetime access to this adventure resource to be shared for years to come

Support Non-Profits as we donate a portion of every guide to charity. We believe in supporting our community!

Save Money by skipping the tourist traps and going to ALL the hidden gems we recommend you try. Sounds good to me!

Why We Created Guides

  • Everything You Need In Your Hand

    Lose service? It's no problem because you have every detail of your trip available to you on a printable PDF packed front and back with all the juicy details for your trip. Plus, they are the prettiest darn PDF's you'll ever print. 

  • Never Get Lost

    We've been there, done that, and want to make your experience better by mapping out anything that's possibly confusing on your adventure. Every twist and turn along the way, you'll be ready. 

  • Packing List

    Don't forget anything for your trip! We've thought of everything we wish we had + added it to our packing list!

Discover More Wildjoy Guides

Bisbee & Nearby Trip

Take a magical trip covering Bisbee, Tombstone, and Lowell

Located in Southern Arizona 3 hours south of Phoenix


Time travel back to the Wild Wild West as we experience cowboy outlaws in a bar then explore the art-lined streets of Bisbee. We'll venture on the outskirts of Bisbee to discover a vintage-car lined street in Lowell and find all the hidden gems. 

Explore Fossil Springs 

Become equipped to challenge yourself to Arizona's iconic Fossil Springs 

Located in Central Arizona 2 hours northeast of Phoenix in Strawberry


This gigantic waterfall found on Fossil Creek if you hike the 8 miles to get there. You'll find underwater caves, a toilet bowl whirlpool, and clear turquoise water at Fossil Springs. When I went, I got lost and want to help give the best possible resources to those visiting or trying for the first time.

Empowering You to Find Your Wildjoy

PO Box 4544, Scottsdale, AZ 85258


Let's talk ---> hello@wildjoy.com

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